Yoshino Wood – The 500 years tradition and its future

  •  22. February 2024
     18:30 - 19:15

The secrets of the Yoshino forestry industry in Japan, the birthplace of the world’s oldest sustainable forestry industry, will be unveiled. How did they cultivate the high quality timber
used for the nest Japanese architecture, such as tea ceremony houses and shrines? In today’s world of sustainability, why does it make sense to import timber from faraway Japan to Europe? Discover the tradition, beauty, and future of Japan’s famed forestry industry through presentations by the Yoshino Wood team, Bollinger Furniere, and Kodai Associates.


An apéro will be offered at 06:00 pm!

Free admission. The Lecture is open to the public.


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Venue:   University of Zürich

Rämistrasse 59, Kleine Aula (RAA-G-01), Zürich, 8001